The Panzer clan Order of battle Top 50 war dogs from Panzergruppe Join the clan memberarea


D I S C L A I M E R !!!

This is not a neo nazi or extreme right wing website. We do not support, tolerate, or have anything to do with nazism, racism, or fascism. We are a computer gaming clan related to the Close Combat gaming series.


This is one of many clans where each clan takes a side as either the Axis or Allies. Our site is also a military history site containing much valuable information from the World War II era, please enjoy.

Be warned, this site does contain pictures, insignias and medals from wartime Germany 1939-1945. The use of these does not mean that we aprove of the political and military points of view of that time, they are only used to give some added game related atmosphere.

We have moved to GameSpy to play Close Combat, meet us in GameSpy for some action.

Cases Ladder Gamespy Tournament House Ladder

Copyright © 2000-2003, The Panzergruppe Clan